
The Nether begins with an interrogation between Morris; the detective, and Sims; the victim. Morris is questioning Sims to find out more information about his realm, otherwise known as “The Hideaway”. Detective Morris is more interested in the server, which is the machine where they store the code for the Hideaway rather than charging Sims (Haley).  The dilemma here is, is it appropriate that Sims is able to live out his fantasy of touching children, along with other men who participate. Or is it okay since they are just fantasies.

Question- Should writers continue to write novels on perspectives that may be misunderstood by society. Will it be beneficial?

Scene 2 Provocation

Inside of the interrogation room is Detective Morris and Mr. Doyle. Detective Morris starts to explain to Mr. Doyle that they are only detaining him until he tells her the information that she wants to know on Papa. That is all she is looking for from Mr. Doyle. Mr. Doyle does not say anything to Detective Morris. So, Detective Morris starts reading all the information that she has on Mr. Doyle. She tells him about his job, what his wife does for a living, and then states that he has a daughter in junior college at Illinois State. Detective Morris then tells Mr. Doyle that it is a big expense to pay for in-world college. Detective Morris then says that most student are going to college online in the Nether. Then, Detective Morris bribes Mr. Doyle by saying that he can keep this entire story of who he is intact and he can also have this job at UMC if Mr. Doyle tells Detective Morris what she wants to know about Papa. Mr. Doyle is only concerned about wither or not he can keep Iris. Detective Morris says that one they have the information they need, the life of the Nether is over. So, with that, Mr. Doyle tells Detective Morris that he has nothing to say. (Haley, 9-10)

Do you think Mr. Doyle is making the right decision by not telling Detective Morris what she wants to know or do you feel that he should just tell her so he can keep his life intact and come out of this with the new job offer?

Scene 7 Provocation

Morris is interrogating Sims about the Hideaway. The two of them go back and forth with each other in this scene essentially arguing if this realm is morally unethical. Sims argues that it is simply a world of imagination and there is no law or punishment against what people do in this world and are free to dive into their own imaginations as they please. Morris argues that this has become more than just a virtual reality, it has become a real world for many people (shades) and for them it is very much reality. He discusses how many people are slowly crossing over into The Nether and it’s becoming their only world and laws and rules need to apply. Sims realm “The Hideaway” creates such a realistic experience for users, and the things being done there and very much illegal in the real world. Do you feel that doing these things in the Nether make them “okay”? Is it still morally wrong even though the users behind the children aren’t actually children?

Provocation. Group 1

Scene 3: Morris is interrogating Sims to let him know that she doesn’t care too much about him as a person, she cares more about the hide away. Sims think he has registered it correctly under the laws. Morris wants to know where his server is so she can cut the hide away down. Sims thinks that since it isn’t in this country it’s not under Morris jurisdiction (Sims,12). Morris is explaining to him how his hide away makes a good amount of money and wants to know why he chose this life? She questions him about how much time he spends online with something that isn’t real (Morris,13). Sims tries to justify why he stays online for so long. Which is because it is apart of everyone’s everyday life. Morris wonders if his wife knows about this roll that he plays in the hide away. Sims wife does not know much about it she is aware as she wants to be. Morris states that “he can be charged but once they have his hardware and deletes his realm then he will be free without being charged” (The Nether, 13). Sims does not want to give up his server, and goes on about how this is against the law. Sims becomes quiet and explains why he made this virtual world and why he does it himself. And he made it for people who can’t be themselves in the real world (The Nether,15),.

Question: Do you think Sims should get convicted for his virtual world and actions even though his actions aren’t in real life? Explain your answer.