The Circle

The movie The Circle explores the idea of no privacy in society as a company known as The Circle unveils ever-seeing cameras all a crossed the country. The companies hope is to promote activism as they know when individuals are doing wrong in the world. This film opened my eyes to the reality of a battle between freedom and privacy that is unfolding today. As this project follows May around you begin to see the brain washing effect of the technology as she only sees the good in the all-knowing system. Characters such as Mercer and Annie display the stress and fear that The Circle can cause. Annie is in fear of her parents being found because they did not save a man drowning. additionally, Mercer, a love interest  of Mae’s, begins to be stacked by these cameras as he attempts to fall off the grid by living in a cabin in the woods. This shows that the system has no room for stragglers and will go to any length to monitor anyone and everyone. Ultimately a drone attempting to keep up with Mercer in a chase, crashes into his windshield and kills him.  In class we have discussed technologies ever-growing impact on everyday life and this Movie falls right into that category. Although the idea is a stretch in terms of our human rights there is still glimpses of this overlook today. Ads have shown that they know what we search as recently viewed items pop up on the side of your screen all the time. I believe that it is important to maintain a level of privacy for the mental satisfaction of solitude within people. In certain situations an eye over you would be overwhelming and if the circle was reality everyone would be hesitant instead of free willed.

The Circle Review

The Circle is a book turned movie that focuses on the uncertainty of technology and the amount of information it holds and knows about us. Imagine if all your social media was connected to each other and your life wasn’t as private as it was preCircle, because of the cameras surrounding you. Though they are meant to make things simpler, it’s voyeurism, which only leads to harm. The leading actress is played by Emma Watson and her name is Mae, a young woman who gets caught up in working at the Circle. In the movie, Mae’s father has an illness, that the company knows about and is seemingly supportive of Mae, they promote her to record herself basically 24/7. From this movie along with the books we have read this semester, I’ve realized technology is moving fast and the possibilities we have for it are endless. Information received from us, given our authorization (which we sometimes don’t know what we are signing for) can be used for good or bad. Surveillance and technology overall are beneficial when used in moderation. They help find criminals, helps find loved ones, or make connections, but when it is pushed into everyday life, it can be life damaging because privacy to most people is sacred.

“The Nether” Review.

The production starts off with a man named Mr. Sims later known as “Papa” being interrogated by a person known as Detective Morris. Detective Morris is interrogating him about a virtual world he created so people and him self could live out their fantasies and desires that are not excepted in his world. Mr. Sims expressed how he has the argue to mess with little girls and created the virtual world so that he would not take his argues out on a real little girl. Detective Morris was trying to get him to understand how it was still morally wrong to imagine things like that and something bad had to happen in real life to start the whole process. Later on in the play we found out Detective Morris was not getting her inside information from an agent she was the agent. She created an account and end up falling in love with the whole concept of the virtual world. In the midst of it all we found out why Detective Morris was so emotionally involved in the “investigation” it was because as a child her father did not show her any attention and she could not understand why, she longed for his affection and never got it. so when he died he left her his login and she then saw why.

Even though this play was mentally disturbing, it was very interesting. shows that sometimes virtual worlds can help with the desire and temptation of morally wrong urges a person might have.