Scene 7 Provocation

Morris is interrogating Sims about the Hideaway. The two of them go back and forth with each other in this scene essentially arguing if this realm is morally unethical. Sims argues that it is simply a world of imagination and there is no law or punishment against what people do in this world and are free to dive into their own imaginations as they please. Morris argues that this has become more than just a virtual reality, it has become a real world for many people (shades) and for them it is very much reality. He discusses how many people are slowly crossing over into The Nether and it’s becoming their only world and laws and rules need to apply. Sims realm “The Hideaway” creates such a realistic experience for users, and the things being done there and very much illegal in the real world. Do you feel that doing these things in the Nether make them “okay”? Is it still morally wrong even though the users behind the children aren’t actually children?

4 thoughts on “Scene 7 Provocation”

  1. On personal morals, I don’t believe it’s “okay”. From a personal perspective, whether it’s a real child on the other side or not, I don’t think it’s right. Do I believe he should be convicted? No. Is it morally wrong? Yes. It’s morally wrong because it’s still a child, and a pedophile can start getting ideas. I do agree that it won’t influence anything since it lets pedophiles “blow off steam” (Sims, Scene 7). I still don’t believe it’s morally right, but he legally can’t be charged for anything, unless harm is done outside of the realm.

  2. Yes, I do believe it is morally wrong. I do not think it is necessarily “okay” either. A child is a child. When I think of a child, I think of my younger family members. I cannot imagine any child virtual reality or not being seen by pedophiles.

  3. Even though the Nether is essentially a “wonderland” I do believe that it is wrong. Although the children aren’t children it is still morally wrong as stated above.

  4. I don’t think that this is “okay”, however i think it is better than committing a real life crime. Morally it is wrong to me, because they are still fantasizing about doing these things to children.

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