Kendall Kelly-

I look in the mirror,

My face is stricken with sorrow,

Weary eyes, still red from crying,

I place my hand above my jeans,

And gaze at myself once more,

I do not recognize my reflection,

Gone is the girl who had no fears,

Gone is the girl who didn’t have to worry, 

Instead, when I look at my reflection, 

I see a woman, 

A woman who has less reproductive rights than her mother had growing up,

Amy Coney Barret,

A woman who has less reproductive rights than her dog,

Samuel A. Jr,

I see a woman who is tired of fighting, 

Brett Kavanaugh,

A woman that is afraid, 

Neil M.,

I see a woman who will fight, even though she shouldn’t have to,

Clarence Thomas,

I see a woman who won’t stop fighting until her body belongs to her again,

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