
MatPat’s my Favorite Reviewer

Matthew Patrick (MatPat) has a YouTube channel called the Game Theorists, and is my favorite reviewer. I know the channel really well, I’ve been watching his videos for years. His success is unsurprising; his videos are always entertaining and interesting, and give the audience ideas that they may not have had before – like when he jokingly explained that Kirby is a single-celled organism (with evidence that actually makes a lot of sense).

Back when I first discovered the channel, I got into it because of the content and the visuals. I always chuckle when YouTubers add in those funny (and somewhat cursed) images while explaining things – like this:


The video of his we watched earlier today is actually one of my favorites. I’m really into biology and still was when I saw it years back, so watching him make legitimate comparisons of Kirby to an amoeba was really funny, interesting, and amusing. He tends to always come up with these wacky takes in a way that makes the viewers think about connections and games in a different aspect, one that they’d probably never come up with otherwise. All of these takes are always in depth and always have tons of “evidence” to back them up. MatPat is really dedicated and always puts so much work into each video. I don’t even want to imagine how long it takes to edit and connect the dozens of images, animations, and video clips.

MatPat kinda changed the way I see video games. I now tend to over-analyze certain aspects and think about where the ideas from the developers came from. I love finding tiny details that other people would likely overlook. I’ll probably do the same in all the games we’ll be playing in class, likely without even thinking about it beforehand.


(Link to the video):


How Video Games Have Impacted My Childhood.

Growing up, video games were a big part of my life. I started playing video games when I was probably four years old. The first video game I played was Madden 1999 on the Play Station one. It was a Dads console. Once I got a little older, I wanted my own gaming console. So when I was six years old I got the XBOX 360. I would play NBA 2K, Madden, Halo, and Call of Duty when I wasn’t outside playing sports. Then, I got the XBOX ONE when I was 15 and I have had that console ever since. Today I play Madden, MLB The Show, NBA2k, Fifa, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto. I don’t play as often as I used to, but I still enjoy playing whenever I get the time to. Over quarantine, I got to play a lot of video games and it made me feel like a little kid again playing everyday. Now, since I play baseball here at the school I don’t get a whole lot of time to play due to lifts, practice, and games. I think my relationship with video games over the semester will grow tremendously. Since there is a class to where assignments are analyzing and playing video games, it will give me time to play a decent amount and that is what I want to do. I believe I can take a lot out of this class out because I am very interested in the topics we will learn and play. I miss playing a lot when I didn’t have as much responsibilities like I do now so I hope taking this class will bring me time to love playing videos games again.





A Brief History of My Video Game Experiences Though Time

As a child, I grew up on games such as PAC-man, Dig Dug, and many other single joystick games. It was not until I was older that my step-brother introduced me to console games, mainly Halo 1 and 2 on the original xbox and Call of Duty on the Xbox 360. My relationship with games since my childhood has only grown stronger. I remember getting my first handheld device and instantly loving it, then I moved on to a console when I was old enough to get my own. This paved the way for me in gaming and as I got older the games I played became more mature, such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Destiny 2. Lately I have been highly interested in RPG’s such as Final Fantasy 14, which was something I never thought I would be into. My go to games have always been FPS, but I wanted to start expanding my gaming horizons and find more games to love and play.

Gaming has been a part of my life for awhile now and I don’t think I could live without it. It allows me to escape the every day world for a bit and just find peace and joy in doing what I love. Over the course of the semester, I feel my relationship with games will grow even stronger due to us playing games that I have never heard of before. They seem to be ones with a great story line, but they are all different genres so I can’t wait to see how everything plays out. I may end up finding a new genre of game that I enjoy as well, which is always exciting.