Tag Archives: Writer Review

The Dystopian World of Bioshock

I’m not really sure how to word my experience with Bioshock. There are just so many themes and lessons involved, I’m having a difficult time picking just one word. Themes of morality, religion, nature, and surviving – there’s just so many. One thing for sure though is that the story is phenomenal and it’s one of those gems that makes you think about everything.

The Themes of Morality and Surviving:

The themes of morality and surviving go hand in hand. When the game starts, you’re playing as Jack, a seemingly normal dude who’s life turns upside down after the plane crash. Being the only survivor, you swim to an ocean monument to breath for a moment. Upon exploration, you find an underwater vessel. With nowhere else to go, you board it and eventually enter the city of Rapture – a city of hell, basically. You just survived a plane crash, and now you have to survive in a dystopian, fallen society with no other way out. You have to kill to survive, period. As time goes on, eventually you’ll learn about the Big Daddies and Little Sisters. This event brings the most morally challenging decision in the entire game: do you harvest the Little Sisters for lots of ADAM (a drug that allows you to change your DNA and thus make you more powerful i.e. more likely to survive), or do you save them because “it’s the right thing to do”? The game doesn’t make it clear whether it’s necessary or not. That decision is completely up to you – do you take advantage of the Little Sisters to better the chances of your survival, or do you free them from the horrors of Rapture? You don’t find out if you made the right decision until you eventually escape.

The Themes of Religion and Nature:

The themes of religion and nature are just as prominent as morality and surviving. As soon as you enter Rapture, there’s a giant banner that reads “No Gods or Kings. Only Man”.

The society of Rapture is one created away from the presence of God or absolute authority. It is an anarchic society where people stand hand in hand and persevere through mutual hard work. The city of Rapture believes so strongly in it’s conviction that believing in religion is outright illegal (as you can see “contraband” boxes full of bibles and crucifixes scattered throughout the city). But this setting brings a question that’s been asked throughout human history – how can we survive without the authority of God or the authority of a king? The usual answer many societies have is: “we can’t”. Rapture is an example of this. Without the authority of God or a king, Rapture fell to ruin (in my opinion, of course). This also ties into the theme of nature – with ADAM. The society rushed into scientific advancement to the point where they challenged the very laws of nature itself, and it’s people used themselves as guinea pigs in an attempt to play as God. There was no king to stop this kind of advancement. Both God and human kings understand the curiosity and sinful nature of the human race, and understand what can happen if everything goes by unchecked. People advanced, got addicted due to the advancement, and began slaughtering each other. Children were kidnapped and turned into monsters. Factions appeared and turned the entire city into a war-zone. Human experimentation (by the way,  when I learned that you, the protagonist, are the fruit of such experimentation; I don’t think I’ve ever opened my eyes that big before) and literal war crimes went by unchecked and unpunished – the list just goes on.

Anyway; enough of my somewhat biased and opinionated rambling about Gods and Kings. But, my rant is simply an example of the things Bioshock makes you think about: What went wrong here? What could have been done to make this work? Is it even possible for a society such as this to prosper? It relates so much to real life, you can’t help but wonder these things.

All in all, Bioshock is truly a gem. I love games that make you think about things like this mainly because there’s so much diversity in the conclusions and ideas that other people come up with.

A Youtuber That Transcended Through My Adolescence, MattPat


After extensive research on many different blog writers, I figured that my favorite Blog Writer/ Youtuber was Matthew Patrick, aka MattPat. Upon my research, I found that he also owns many YouTube channels that I grew up watching, stemming from “The Game Theorist” to “The Film Theorists. If I were to tell you which channel I watched the most, It was probably his “The Film Theorist” channel as I found so much enjoyment in his analytical and comical remarks when scouring through a film that I may have recently watched. Watching videos on that channel gave the feeling that they were extensions of the movies themselves or hidden secrets that the normal viewer would miss. One thing unique about Mat Pat is that when he proposes a theory, he does not leave any loose ends as he comes with countless strong supporting evidence to prove his case further. When watching his videos, I am often in awe, and typically I cannot argue with how sensible his supporting evidence is. The primary thing that drew my younger self and many others to Matt Pat’s multitude of YouTube channels is that he holds the viewer’s attention with his comedic delivery within his writing. This style also gives off the impression that the writer is telling the audience an exciting story. In his videos, he also explains every nuance in his writing, which helps any viewer grasp the main idea of his writing even better. For example, in one of Matt Pat’s videos, he goes out to prove his theory that Ellie from “The Last of Us Two” was not immune to the fungal infection that plagued the game’s characters. In this video, we come across a recording that contained a large amount of medical jargon that the average reader/ viewer would not understand on the fly. One of his biggest strengths is that he puts such complicated information into simplified terms for the audience to easily understand, even if they have never played or heard of the topic at hand. I have a link at the bottom of my post to show how he explains nuanced information to his viewers. However, I will also provide a quote from this video to give you an idea of how he levels everything when things get complicated. “Aah, yes, some high-quality medical gobbledygook my friends very insightful, very intriguing. I’m sure that if you’re like 99.9% of the gaming population without an advanced medical degree, you heard the word “titers”, giggled that it looked liked titters, then looked for the skip conversation button to get on with the zombie killing. Turns out so there is a lot of information hidden inside that little paragraph enough to tell us that Ellie isn’t having a normal reaction to the fungal infection and also that something’s not right about the way the science is being scienced. Let’s break down what this audio log is actually telling us.”. Following this quote, he begins his analytical breakdown of what was said in the voice recording in the game, which is a supporting factor to his theory that Ellie is not immune to the infection. Given all of these strengths Matt Pat has under his belt, it is a formula that seems to work as he has a large following on multiple Youtube channels and Blogs. For the blogs I am going to write this semester, I aim to emulate this type of style to gravitate the audience towards my writing and sustain interest from start to finish.


(Timestamp 3:35 to 7:28) (Trust me this video will not spoil the main plot of LOU2)