Edith Finch

Save 70% on What Remains of Edith Finch on Steam

While playing What Remains of Edith Finch, I learned a lot about what kind of games I truly enjoy. It was an interesting yet confusing game for me because it seemed like it just goes in a different direction every seen. I do not remember but in one level the girl is holding a sniper shooting a deer and then five seconds later a kid is swimming in a tub. It was just a lot for me honestly and I was getting a little lost.


My favorite part of the game was when Barbara’s level. I really liked how the story was being played through the comic. It is very crazy for me to think that we are playing a game that somebody is reading about a story. I liked how it was describing the killing of Barbara and was making me feel like it was a real situation.


Even though I was not a huge fan of the game I did really enjoy the fact that it was a thriller/horror type game. Despite how much the game went in different directions it was very unpredictable which was good at times. In most games you know what is coming next but in this one u had no clue. In the end the game wasn’t bad a little more directions definitely would have been better but I did enjoy parts of it.

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