MatPat, The Video Game Theory Master


Why You Should Watch 'Game Theory' And 'Film Theory' | Game theory, Film theory, Theories

Matthew Robert Patrick, well known by his social media username, MatPat, is a video game theory extraordinaire who has a fan base of over fourteen million followers on YouTube. Matthew Patrick is the host of a variety of video series on his YouTube channels The Game Theorists and The Film Theorists.

MatPat’s main goal for these channels is to entertain his target audience of video game and film enthusiasts, much like himself, with deeply dissected theories that have been discussed across the internet. MatPat takes said theories, does very in-depth research on the topic, using scientific and mathematical resources and facts, and compiles all of his gathering research into a humor-filmed video.

For example, in a video on The Game Theorist YouTube channel, titled, “Game Theory: What is a Kirby? The SCIENTIFIC PROOF!” MatPat discusses the biological structure and body of what exactly Kirby, the beloved Nintendo character, is. One of Kirby’s abilities is to ingest another person (temporarily) and absorb that character’s ability. MatPat stated in this video, “In the theory of evolution, it’s proposed that one of the ways simple prokaryotic cells- or cells without a nucleus- turned into the more advanced eukaryotic cells is by doing just that. Endosymbiosis. Cells ingested one another and just started sharing abilities because it was evolutionarily beneficial.”

There is a possibility one might have learned such information in a high school or college biology course, but no professor would ever be able to clearly explain this given research the way MatPat does. More so, it is very apparent that MatPat takes the necessary time and extreme effort to research the most useful facts and information that would be best beneficial to prove the theory he is discussing in the video.

I could not even fathom the amount of time MatPat and his team of theory-debunkers each week into research for their videos. Plus, they also find the time to edit their videos in a very creative and clever way. MatPat’s “announcer’s voice,” as some may refer to as the way a person speaks clearly and concisely that draws the attention of others, is very charming and energetic.

As an amateur video game article writer,  I would love to learn how MatPat is able to gather and display such detailed facts and information that prove the theories he discusses so well, to the point where no one would even bother to disprove it- he just does it that well. For the near and distant future, I will take MatPat’s dedication into consideration, and will put in the extra effort into research to back up my own theories and opinions in my articles about video games.

I have been watching MatPat’s videos for years, and I will continue to watch his theory-filled videos because they are entertaining and thought-provoking, and teach you more than just the theories behind our favorite video games and films.

The Game Theorist - 1 HOUR INTRO - YouTube

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