Detroit Becomes Human Essay Upload


Detroit Becomes Human


Detroit Becomes Human has a remarkably put-together story filled with characters and interactions that are built around the protagonists becoming better versions of themselves. This game allows you to make decisions based on what direction you want the story to go. Video games often involve their main characters trying to achieve elevation of character, but none do it quite like Detroit. This game follows the stories of three androids, new intellectual robots, produced by CyberLife that take care of day-to-day tasks for humans. The three main androids are Markus, Kara, and Connor. When a wave of androids begins to “malfunction” you’ll branch off to their three stories to see how the current events affect them and who they happen to surround themselves with. As the tension towards androids slowly rises, it’s up to these three to either adhere to their programming or fight the system.


The first chapter of the game revolves around Connor. Connor is a new version of the android whose main purpose involves investigating and solving Android malfunctions; in this game, they are called Deviants. To help him be more successful with his missions, he was built with an already deviated system. Most of Connor’s storyline is him juggling his internal conflict and attempting to maintain a relationship with his partner, Hank. This is significant due to Hank having resentment toward androids.  Another thing to note is that due to your choices you can completely avoid any character development with him.” Players can successfully circumvent his deviation, ensuring that he stays a machine.”(Abayomi) I feel like Connors’s main point of character change is during the Eden Club chapter. This involves the pair hunting down a deviant sex android accused of murdering a customer. When Hank and Connor finally manage to corner the blue-haired bot murderer another deviant android steps in, in an attempt to save her. This is when Connor has the choice of shooting her or sparing them. However, it seemed as though Connors’s storyline was very counterintuitive to the game. As you are playing your other two characters you are attempting to make a better life for yourself and improve the lives of other androids.


The next protagonist that we are introduced to in the game is the android, Kara. Her storyline is based on her becoming a better person to help raise a little girl named Alice. Kara’s story begins in the operation factory, from the beginning she showed signs of deviancy. When Kara was produced, she showed worry, which was a red flag among androids. She is bought by the alcoholic, Todd who assigns her to take care of his neglected daughter Alice. Her first instance of when she has to become a better version of herself is during her initial night with the family in chapter 1 Stormy Night. When Todd gets high on drugs, he gets physically abusive and must fight her programming to save Alice. To save her, she must decide to flee the house. Another instance of her becoming a better version of herself was during the Midnight Train chapter. After the long drive from Pirates Cove to the farm of the android savior known as Rose. Kara must put her trust in Rose to make sure it’s a safe place for Alice to be. This is put to the test when the police show up at the farm in search of the fugitives. Throughout Karas’s storyline, it has been apparent that Kara wants a “human” experience of being a mother. This comes into fruition during the Crossroads Chapter. Surprisingly to the player and Kara, the little girl Alice has been an Android this entire time. Once this discovery is made, she is then questioned to see if she loves the child and less due to this reveal. This makes her realize that it does not change her feelings if anything it makes her care more for the girl. She knows that Alice needs her and her guidance to survive. So at the end of her story when it comes time to cross the border we might see a Kara successfully save Alice or we may see her betray her to ensure her survival.


The final protagonist in this game is Markus. His storyline in the game is his rise to the leader of the android revolution. His first occurrence of deviation comes after the owner’s son attacks him in a rage fueled by narcotics that results in the death of his owner. Markus’ fighting back was him becoming a better version of himself because he was tired of enduring the abuse from humans. However, he is “killed” due to him fighting back and being shipped off to a scrapyard. When he awakes, he sets off to repair himself where he finds a previously broken Android who informs him of Jericho. Jericho is the “safe” haven for homeless androids. Once Markus can find Jericho, he realizes that this isn’t the haven that he was told about. Instead, it is more of a refugee camp for broken and nearly dead androids. This is his second instance of a major character change because now he has a heavy choice to make. Stay in Jericho to ensure his safety or set out on a mission for supplies to save the wounded and dying residents. Another instance of Markus’ development came after the raid on Cyberlifes supply warehouses. An important discovery was made during this raid, he can make an android go deviant just by the touch of a hand. Once this is discovered he continues to free androids throughout that mission. Due to him coming back successfully with supplies needed by the residents and some new supporters, he becomes another leader for the group of androids. This eventually turns into him becoming the face of the revolution and having the hard decisions to make about being a peaceful or violent uprising. This reflects back on him because it tests his sense of self preservation and considering the greater good of his followers.


Throughout the game not only is your character growing but you are growing along with them, questioning your morality and ethics of your decisions. From saving a dying Android to choosing the fate of a human. We get to see how much we really value certain beliefs, like superiority complex. Once again, Detroit Becomes Human is a game where we can all learn what that better version of ourselves is and the importance of bettering ourselves to live our best life.

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