Chrono Trigger First Progress Report

Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made? - YouTube

I am going to be honest about my Chrono Trigger playing experience so far-

….. This game is hard!

Well, it’s at least too hard for me.

I am very used to playing first-person-shooter (FPS) games, not top-down, RPG games. It was so nerve-wracking and hard to defeat even the little goblin/troll-looking enemies when you travel back in time to save Marle, but only for a short while before I got the hang of it.

I believe Chrono Trigger provides a very unique gaming experience for video game players. For a game that was published in 1995, some of the graphics, such as the portal that opens after Marle gets sucked back in time amidst the 8-bit art style around it.

It does still feel like an old game since I am not able to move left and down or right and up at the same time as in newer games, but I believe it still holds its own. I’m not too surprised by the game mechanics and motions for the time period, since Mortal Kombat 3 (a game I have played before) came out the same year, and these two games feel just as slow as one another.

Actually, I think Crono walks a bit faster than the characters in Mortal Kombat 3 do if I remember correctly…..

Anyways, story-wise, I feel like I have no idea what is going to happen next. I have a semi-high expectation that the game will throw me a curveball plot twist in the next hour or so of me playing, even though I’ve only put a few hours in so far. Most of my playing experience has just been defeating Emps and ugly goblin enemies, more than the story.

However, I have been talking to as many NPCs as I can to pick up on the history and politics of what is going on in their country at that moment in time. I hope that the more I play, the more I will be able to collect more of the story from the main characters and the side characters.

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