Introduction to Chrono Trigger

The game Chrono Trigger has been a very interesting and confusing experience when playing this game. The most interesting thing about this game is how far in time that this game takes you in the past and in the future. I thought that this was interesting because it shows what it thinks the world is going to be like back in the past and what it could look like in the future. I also thought it was interesting that you could play as multiple characters throughout the game which was something very different other than playing as one character like Bioshock.

I think that Chrono Trigger has met expectations for a 1995 game because I didn’t really think that the idea of time travel was a factor or even possible during this time period in history. This is one of the first ideas about time travel, I thought that back to the future was the first Idea of time traveling. I also thought that the graphics were pretty good for a 1995 video game, there were very good and clear aminations which made it really clear to interact with all of the characters. I also thought that the game play was good for a 1995 game but nearly not as good as games there are today.

I feel as if the story can go in any different direction due to all of the time travel that they have already done. The place that I left off at is when Janus and the three Gurus plan was to all spread out throughout time to stop Lavos return.  I think that this story now can go in any sort of direction because you won’t know all of the twist and turns that this game can have due to all of the decision you have to make.

I think that the game place has been very confusing because of how many times that you go through time. The atmosphere changes throughout the whole game to complete all of the objectives to complete in the game. I also think that it is very weird when it goes back in time to an apocalyptic period because you never know what is going on. Overall this game has given me a very interesting experience.

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