Chrono Trigger: First Impressions

Chrono Trigger is an RPG wonderland, and honestly, it is one of the better-looking and playing games of 1995. I was unfortunately not born when it came out, but playing it now I can understand why it was so popular in the RPG community and still is to this day.

Typically, RPGs are not my favorite genre because they seem to move slowly and it’s a lot more reading than I prefer when playing video games. I actually do not mind it on this game however and think it brings a lot more immersion. Something I have found quite interesting about the game so far is the fact that there are no quest bars or maps to help you. You sort of have to navigate on your own and find what you are looking for solely based on what the characters tell you. I am not used to this type of game mechanic, but I think it works very well because it forces you to explore all the areas until you find what you are looking for.

For a game that was released in 1995, I must say it is exceeding my expectations. Although the art style is still 8-bit, it is very high quality for its time and the colors are very vibrant. I have also been enjoying the soundtracks that are played in the background. It definitely adds an element to the game and the compositions are very well made for their time. I have also had lots of fun interacting with different characters and objects, such as in the cathedral when you play the organ, it opens up doors or retracts spikes that you could not previously get to before.

As for the story, though I am not too far in, I can predict where the story may possibly be going. We started off with a random girl at the fair, but then she gets teleported to another world and becomes a queen. Apparently, she was a descendant of a previous queen and so it is your goal to find the girl and figure out what happened to the queen before. You have to make sure the queen does not die in that timeline so that the girl may stay alive. I think that you will most likely have to travel through lots of different timelines and find out the different situations of what happened in the past and piece them together. I am unsure where the story will go but this is just a prediction I have based on what I have seen and played so far. I can’t wait to continue through and see what happens next.

My progress so far:

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