BioShock Infinite Part 2

BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition

Having finished Bioshock Infinite, my opinion changed  since getting half-way through it.  I enjoyed this game  and thought it offered an experience that was completely different from the first BioShock game.  I think the setting of the first BioShock game was more of a straightforward story, but BioShock Infinite was more complex and less straightforward.

My positives with the game are Booker and Elizabeth better as protagonists, compared to Jack who was not as good. An emotional bond was built with the two of them which made an improvement in the game. I found the gameplay to be better in Infinite because of the added unique verticality, as well as a wide sandbox to fight in.

My negatives with the game revolve more around the story, setting, and antagonist. It was difficult to understand the inter dimensional, style story. It took a while for me to understand.  The whole timeline of events still did not add up in the beginning, especially the time when Anna  was being taken away and Booker being on the boat with the twins. While I do understand the story, it feels like it is trying too hard to be intelligent. This caused an imbalance between the game being too complex but not being complex enough, which killed it for me. Bioshock had twists and turns too but was more simplistic by how the game was presented. It also offered deep hidden messages.

I also felt Comstock was a worse villain than both Ryan and Fontaine even after learning he is a version of Booker. This is because his motivations and desires are more bluntly evil and he had no regard for anything else. Those are the villains that I honestly can not stand. I liked Ryan and Fontaine because there was more gray area in terms of their actions. Ryan had logical ideas but was going to extremes to keep his city under control. Fontaine was trying to grab some of the power from Ryan who was abusing it in the end.

Overall, Infinite was definitely worth playing and I would suggest other who haven’t played it to play it. The gameplay and characters were very emotional and complex. This was a huge improvement over the first BioShock game.

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