Bioshock Infinite: Overall Feelings and Theories

BioShock Infinite Complete Edition on GOG.comSo, Bioshock Infinite, how was it? Well, let me tell you this game was absolutely fantastic. From the world, it took place in, to the mind-boggling twists and turns around every corner. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and it made me want more. I could not stop playing and finished it in about 2 days, and I hardly ever finish games if that says anything. I have some very specific feelings and theories about this game that I want to dive into.

BioShock Infinite, Irrational's New Video Game - The New York Times

My first initial feelings of the game were that it was going to be like the first Bioshock, where we would probably reenter rapture and have to solve yet another series of puzzles. I felt almost hesitant because of this. Well, as soon as I started the game I knew it was going to be different. Though you start out almost like you were at rapture, you actually are transported to a floating world called Columbia. The scenery was nothing like Bioshock 1 and I was very happy about it. Instead of it being depressing and run down, Columbia was an actual utopia, from the outside.

As I played through the game there were some theories that I started to develop. One of these theories I had was that Elizabeth was somehow related to Dewitt. I never knew what relation but I had a feeling that she was either his past significant lover or was perhaps a distant cousin. I especially felt this because their connection was instantaneous and they seemed to get along rather well very early on. I thought maybe she lost her memories of Dewitt and that her past name was Anna since he would call out to her here and there throughout the game. Come to find out at the end that Elizabeth was actually his daughter and her name was Anna Dewitt, hence why he had those initials carved onto his hand.

BioShock Infinite | Extra Life

Another theory I had developed was from the end of the game. At the very end, there were multiple Elizabeths all from different timelines who confront Dewitt at the baptism area. After they all gathered around, they all had different images of him, saying that he was both Dewitt and Comstock. In order to stop the timeline of Comstock and his ruling, they had to kill Dewitt since he was both people. This depended on if he went through with the baptism or not. Upon killing Dewitt, the Elizabeths from different timelines would disappear one by one, each on the ding of a bell. The very last Elizabeth that remained was the one you played within your timeline.  The camera panned upward from this Elizabeth, and you heard a bell, but no one knows if she actually ended up disappearing or if she still stayed. I believe she stayed because she was with Dewitt and did not have a reason to disappear. I think she was the last remaining one because she helped him realize his past memories and he was not Comstock in that timeline. Many believe she did disappear upon hearing the very last bell after the camera panned away, but she almost seemed like a goddess. With her powers and her realizing such powers, she should not have disappeared because she should be the one who controls the doors and is needed to keep timelines in place.

Overall, my feelings for this game are absolute in that I was super engaged and intrigued constantly. I have never felt so invested in a game as I did with Bioshock Infinite. I loved finding out new information and seeing what was around every twist and turn. The skylines were also quite an adventure. I highly recommend this game for anyone who loves a good story, great puzzles, and absolutely insane plot twists.

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