To Bioshock Infinite and Beyond

If I’m being honest, I prefer the original Bioshock to Bioshock: Infinite.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, Bioshock: Infinite is a good game and Elizabeth is cute, but there’s not a ton more to say about it.  It just doesn’t stand out to me like the first one does, probably because of the environment, among other things.  I can’t say I’ve played many games that are completely submerged for 95% of the game time and the original Bioshock definitely broke that trend.  Being way in the sky, above the clouds is pretty unique too but you don’t always feel like you’re up there.  In the original, it’s always extremely obvious at any point that you are way below sea level, but Bioshock: Infinite just feels like they lifted an entire generic city straight from 1912 and slapped it in the sky for kicks; of course, that’s actually what they did but it doesn’t feel nearly as uncannily removed from what is familiar to the player as the original did.  In other words, we’re not nearly as deep in the uncanny valley as we were and it shows.

With all this said, I guess it still feels like I’m playing a Bioshock game.  I’d attribute this to the general gameplay mechanics and feel (the “magic”/weapon relationship) and another broader and more abstract concept.  In both, you’re essentially a “stranger” to the world you’re being thrust into with motives that are completely up in the air, a history that’s practically all in the dark until it’s revealed later, and you’re basically going to tear up the entire place by the roots in your quest to do whatever it is you’re trying to do.  So yeah, decidedly a Bioshock game.

On the other hand, I noticed a distinct lack of big daddies.  Also, the mission objective sound effects weren’t nearly so iconic.  Also also, reloading the shotgun is not nearly as satisfying as I’d like it to be.  Definitely disappointing on that front.  Picking up money is pretty satisfying, though.  Hooray, 2K.

(My hours played, I kinda forgot to stop playing)

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