Summary of BioShock

Playing Bioshock was a really interesting experience. This game to me was more action packed then every other game that we played that took a lot of twist and turns. This game started that the main character Jack was a passenger on a plane which eventually crashes in the ocean. Jack is the only survivor from this accident and finds the entrance to the underwater city of Rapture where Atlas takes Jack to a submarine that which Ryan has destroyed what makes Jack on a mission to kill Ryan. As Jack finds Ryan and finds out a lot about his own life like being born in Rapture only 4 years ago and why Jack is able to do these things at only 4 or 5 years old that he was genetically modified which makes him grown very rapidly. Jack also figures out that Ryan is actually his father with a women named Jasmine Jolene. Jack also finds out that Frank Fontaine can give him orders by only using the phrase “would you kindly” which would make him do anything that he would say.

As Jack finds out that he can be controlled by Frank, Frank orders that Jack has to get on another flight with a revolver and hijack the plane and crash it right near the lighthouse when his plane before crashed. As Jack returns to Rapture this allows Frank to use him to access the bathysphere network because Jack was the only one who could access this system by being Ryan’s biological son. This is when Ryan wants Jack to kill him because Ryan wanted to die on his own terms and realizes that Frank was only using him by using the trigger word to access the bathysphere network. Atlas is then found out that he is really Frank Fontaine who faked his death to throw Ryan off his trail so that he had a better chance to take over the city of Rapture.

Jack then finds Dr. Tenenbaum and the little sisters to help him escape where he becomes really injured to a fall. As Jack is knocked out Dr. Tenenbaum figures out a way for Jack to stop responding to the trigger word. Jack gets help from the little sisters to track down Frank. Frank has become really powerful at this point by injecting ADAM’s in his system basically making him a super human. Jack defeats Frank in battle and takes out the Adam killing Frank.

To conclude the game Jack needs to try and save all of the sisters lives which in my form of the game I successfully saved all of the sisters which then Jack takes care of them. Then shows that Jack and all of the sisters live happily ever after due to scenes showing the sisters graduation and getting married.

Some life lessons that I learned from this game is that you can’t always trust you closest allies because they could end up turning on you. I also learned that you never really know who you truly are unless you discover it for example, Jack finding his real dad Ryan and finding out his true story of when he came from. Overall I really enjoyed playing this game and cant wait to play the next one.

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