Bioshock , The Land of Powerful Slugs and Greed

My time on was a surprisingly entertaining experience. I typically struggle with longer story mode games but this one kept me alert and at attention the entire time. While playing there were many instances where I had to take a moment to pause and get ready for the next moments because, in the simplest terms, I am a very fearful person. However, as the game continued, I got over my anxieties. The storyline of the underwater world of Rapture was fairly confusing to me but once I really sat down to take the time, I began to really connect the dots. The revelations within the game were nothing short of surprising. Out of all the reveals my favorite was definitely the “would you kindly”, reveal. Just knowing that our only real ally within this place “Atlas” was actually working with us to satisfy his own agenda was mind-blowing.

The most prominent theme that stood out to me was ethics. One of the main decisions you make within the game is whether or not to harvest the little sister’s “Adam” for yourself, even though it would result in the death of the little girl. Even though in-game Atlas dehumanizes them to the ground it’s still an extremely hard choice to make. You know they are corrupted but yet it’s not their fault. Another theme within this game could be the aspect of making choices based on your own free will. The whole purpose of Andrew Ryan creating Rapture was to make an escape from the world’s potentially corrupt policies and beliefs. In making this city his goal was to give people a sense of freedom and the ability to make certain. choices without outside influences. These influences being social norms and agendas. Even outside of the game, you are affected by this theme. Yes, you are making choices yourself but in the back of your head, you always have to think. about how it will possibly affect someone else. With that being said is that really free will? The final theme that is consistent throughout the game is greed. As the player when you are killing the little sisters, it can be shown as you wanting more Adam for yourself even at the expense of the girl’s life. Alongside this in the game, it is also revealed that Ryan once owned a plot of land that he used at his own expense. However, when the government tried to claim it to make a national park, he burned it down to ensure only he was the only one that could’ve enjoyed it. This literally can be translated into the statement, If I can’t have it no one can. Finally, the biggest display of greed was Fontaine’s entire scheme. His plan involved overthrowing Rapture in an attempt to own the city and its supply of Adam that he spent most of his time smuggling to build a sort of black market empire. If he was to succeed his next step would’ve been to go to the surface and expand his power to the world.
As a whole, I really enjoyed the game with all the twists and turns it presented and I definitely will be revisiting the game because. I’m sure I missed some good information that’d make the game an even better experience.

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