My Reactions to The Walking Dead- Ep. 1-3

Clementine Won't Appear In Walking Dead TV Show | Screen Rant

Having played through Episode 3 of The Walking Dead, I can say I have enjoyed it immensely. Going into it, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I haven’t seen the TV show before, so I didn’t know how serious the game would be, and I’m glad it went all the way with the serious tone. The five tough decisions in every level kept me on edge and engaged, plus the characters are written very well so I felt emotionally invested in all of them.

The tough decisions and level of choice impacting the story has stood out to me most. I’ve never played a Telltale game before, so maybe that’s why, but I have never seen a game with a linear story so impacted by the player’s decisions. I like how I can favor some groups of characters compared to others based on how I feel about them and their actions. It really makes you feel like you’re there and that Lee is your character.

The characters I’ve definitely bonded with most are Lee, Clementine, and Kenny. I really like how we slowly learn about Lee’s past and how his relationship with Clementine is almost like redemption for his past actions. I also really like Lee’s character. He is soft and emotional at times, but can also make the hardest decisions in the worst of times. He just feels so human and real. I also love Lee and Clementine’s relationship. It’s a really cute friendship and I like how they develop and bond over time. I also like the parts when Lee comforts Clementine when she witnesses terrible things. Clementine also cares a lot about Lee, despite knowing his past, because he truly cares for her and protects her when she is all alone in a terrible situation. It truly brings out the goodness and humanity in Lee and Clementine since both are originally strangers.

Kenny is also a great character because he is honest, driven, and will do anything to help the group. While I sided with Kenny over Lilly the majority of the time, somebody who sides with Lilly can still understand Kenny’s view on things. After his son and wife die, we see the emotional side of Kenny which is heartbreaking. All three of these characters feel so real and good at heart which is why they are my favorite.

At this point in the game, my decisions are primarily made in Clementine’s interest, but also for the benefit of the group. I always make sure Clementine is good and fed and if there is a decision involving her, I always side with her. I think the reason for this is because I like the relationship between her and Lee so much. If Clementine is not involved, I always chose what was best for the group or the most honest individual involved. Whether it was over who was giving supplies to the bandits or if we should leave anyone behind, I always decided to stick together or the choice closest to it.

Great game overall so far.

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