My Immersive Experience Playing What Remains of Edith Finch

Throughout my playthrough of what remains of Edith Finch, I enjoyed Molly’s level because I found it interesting that in direct correlation to how hungry she was, her imagination threw her into the perspective of the different animals as they were hunting their prey. Sadly the one I enjoyed most within that level was when we became a shark. The reason being, it was a little bit of a challenge at first because I had a difficult time controlling the shark. The level that moved me the most in the game was Lewis’s level as an employee at the cannery. What moved me about his level was that the creator employed a gameplay mechanic that put the player inside of Lewis’s current mental state. In the game, we learned about Lewis before being put into his perspective. We learned that he used to rely on marijuana to get through his days. Before starting, we understand that he was newly sober and began realizing the “monotony of his daily life” and his mind beginning to wander more often. After gaining such information, we find ourselves playing as Lewis working in the cannery. As a player, we find ourselves doing the task of chopping the salmon. We also progress deeper into his daydream, causing us to see less and less of the screen till we find that we are now fully immersed in his dream, completing the task only through muscle memory. Once I realized this, I was in complete shock.

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