Barbra’s Story

        In the video game and story What Remains of Edith Finch we are taken through the stories of life and mostly tragic deaths that took place in the Finch family and the house the many generations shared.  Some of these tragic deaths included food poisoning, drowning, suicied, and even a slide breaking.  What I think was the most interesting story was Barbra the washed up child star who was known for her scream.  The first thing that interested me was when we first see her room and Edith mentions how she was the one most asked about when she mentions her family to anyone that is who they ask about.  It interested me to see how in this world the story takes place in the family has relevance to pop culture and people outside of the family know Barbra’s story and not all the others.  This ties into the biggest detail to me which is the fact that Barbra’s story is told through the view of someone that is not in the family through a comic book.  The author of the comic book tells the story of Barbra’s death through a story that is meant to entertain people so it isn’t exactly what happened but is also similar to what actually happened.  This detail leaves us wondering who killed Barbra or what actually happened that night. 

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