MatPat Theorizing genius

My favorite author out of the given group was Mathew Robert Patrick, aka MatPat. MatPat is a youtuber who has been on the platform since 2009. He runs 4 different YouTube channels including Game theory, Game theory live, Film theory, and Food theory. I have been a long-time watcher of Film theory and Game theory since 2012. On his channels he makes in depth theory videos about video games, films/television, and food. I think that part of what makes MatPats videos interesting is how he is able to easily explain complicated ideas in an easy to understand yet fun manor. Before he dives into his theories, he typically gives a run down of what he is trying to prove and what he plans to look at in order to prove it. A good example of this can be seen in one of his earliest and most controversial episodes where he tries to determine how fast sonic is. at the beginning of his theory, he states a disclaimer that says “This is a video game show, so we’re going off of Sonic’s behavior in his games. Yes comic-book sonic has run at speeds greater than the speed of light, but comic books have also had Superman starring in a porno directed by a supervillain names the sleaze, so forgive me if I take what they say with a grain of salt.” (MatPat). I feel like in most of MatPat’s videos he does a good job of explaining what he is looking at. Through the format of his videos, I also feel as though he does a good job of breaking down what he is talking about into different sections. If there is too much information for an episode, he has no problem splitting it into multiple episodes. I feel as though through watching MatPat’s videos over the years it has helped me with the organization of ideas in my own writing. Link to how fast is sonic?

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