Video Game Experience

My relationship with video games growing up was good. I used to play a lot as a kid but since I have gotten older, I don’t really play as much. I still enjoy playing them, but I do not have as much time as I used to when I would play for hours on end. The first game I ever played was Madden 05 and I remember playing that game for hours because I thought it was so much fun. They had a street ball setting where I could play as Tom Brady which I really enjoyed. I currently do not play games very much since I have baseball and school but over the summer, I played call of duty and NBA2K. I play other sports games as well it depends on which sports season it is. When I was younger, I used to play a lot of call of duty and any sports game I could find. I feel like my relationship with video games will not change after this class because I already enjoy them, but I am very excited to learn about how they started in the 1900s and how they have evolved since then. My opinion has always been the same with video games they are fun to play right when they come out but after a while you get bored of it and want to play something else.

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