Brendan Caldwell: Comical, Yet Serious

After reviewing many authors blog posts, the one author which stuck out to me was Brendan Caldwell. One of the main reasons I enjoy reading his blog posts are because you can feel the comical side he is bringing out when writing. He seems to enjoy poking fun at games, especially in reviews and wording things a certain way to stick out more. An example of this can be found when he says, “…we discovered its name from that most reliable of informants: a Doritos packet (Caldwell, 2020).” Another reason why I like this author is because he is into the same games I am. This makes it very easy to relate to his posts and find humor about the games that I have never thought of before. He easily makes his articles fun to read, while also getting to the point and making sure everyone knows his stance on the game.

The one article I really enjoyed reading was his review on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War single player. This is a game I have been playing a lot of recently, so when I saw he had a review of it, I just had to see what his thoughts were. Some of them were quite grim, however it was the truth of the game. Something I can learn from this author that will help me write better blog posts is to have fun, and bring your own sense of style into the posts themselves. By bringing your own personality to the blog posts, they become your own and people are able to see that. Though these posts are just text on a screen, Brendan was able to bring them to life. I want to be able to do the same in my own blog posts. I also enjoyed how, although he was humorous in his posts, he also knew how to become serious and allow readers to see the major takeaways from his posts. With my own blog posts, I think this will be a strong skill to practice for future posts.



Caldwell, Brendan. “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Singleplayer Review.” Rock Paper Shotgun, 16 Nov. 2020,

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