JT’s Video Game Journey

Videogames have always been a part of who I am. My earliest experience with video games was Pokemon on my Gameboy that was a hand me down from my older brother. This is how I got a lot of my videogame experience. My first console was my father’s old Playstation 2, where I truly fell in love with video games. From 007’s Nightfire, to Street 3, and even Madagascar’s story mode game, here is where I was introduced to the world of gaming and I have been in love with it ever since.

After a handful of years of playing a plethora of games on the Playstation 2, I took the next leap in my journey to the Playstation 3, which again, was another hand-me-down from my father. My Playstation 3 years were the years where my love for first-person shooter games came about. Call of Duty being my favorite of them all, this is also the time where I became very competitive when it comes to gaming. My desire to be at the top of the leaderboards at the end of every game is what drove my love and passion for the Call of Duty series.

This love only grew more over the years as I progressed onto the Playstation 4 and got into other first-person shooters games such as Battle Front, Apex Legends, and even Fortnite. To this day, video games are still a large part of my life. If I go a couple of days without playing Apex legends, I feel as if I am missing out on a weekly routine of mine. VIdeogames have always been a part of who I am and is not something I see changing in the near future.  

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