Growing up with Nintendo

   My history of video games started on my 8th birthday when my parents got me a Nintendo DS.  This was probably the most excited I’ve been about a gift in my life even to this day because I was not expecting it, meanwhile my closest friends already had ones that I would try to play when I was with them.  Some of the earliest games I remember playing were Pokemon and Mario Kart which is crazy because I know if I were to pick up those games today I would still enjoy them.

  The same goes for the next system I got for Christmas not too long after which was the Wii.  Between me and my two siblings we had endless amounts of games for the Wii but out of all of them my favorite had to be Super Smash Bros.  This game was special because along with Mario Kart I have clear memories of competitive games with my siblings and all of our friends.  On top of that Super Smash Bros introduced me to a bunch of other video games because in the game you play as characters from all different games.  A lot of these games would later show up on the Nintendo 64 I was given from my cousin around the 5th grade.  Since this console was made before any of my other video games it was interesting to see original versions of games I already loved like Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart.

  Ever since these games my enthusiasm for video games went down although since then I have had great memories playing all sorts of sports games and Call of Duty with my friends whether we were together or playing on Xbox Live. As great of memories I had playing on Xbox live those original Nintendo games will never be topped because of how much joy they brought to my family and our friends growing up.  


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