Lina Colantuoni – “Empty Please” and “Hello ‘Me’ Prologue”

Empty Please

Dancing behind my
glorious, desperate please
it’s your blank torture,
betrayal breaking more than
joy can itself repair
one window to a room
a view through glass
this dilemma shot you,
sent you dead.

Hello “Me” Prologue

A dry wind flows through the willow’s long leaves. A soft swish comes from the tree as the leaves slide against one another., creating a mesmerizing pattern, a group of repeating swirls and glimpses of the tree’s trunk and branches. The wood is a complex maze of deep bark, dry from old age, worn down where many children have perched along side each other, listening to the tree. Listening to stories exchanged in it’s concealed sanctuary so many times before.
Whispers of pain and and conflicts drift in the air. A hint of poison in the peace.

Flynn Dennehy – “The Inventor’s Lamp” and “Antonio”

The Inventor’s Lamp

The Old lamp that formally belonged to the once beloved Inventor sat alone on an empty desk. It had been that way for a week, no. A month, no. Three months? Perhaps, time blended together. Its inventor promised he’d return one day. An empty promise, the lamp thought. “Why bring all his other Inventions away with him but leave me behind?”



“Don’t waste time,” his friend told him. Antonio took his friend’s words very literally. He sat, hunched over, uncomfortably close to his drawing tablet. The room was dark, the only light source was shining directly in his face, no doubt doing irreparable damage to his eyes. The screen was hot to the touch. Antonio was sweating. His hand was shaking. He just had to finish, then he could go to sleep. “Don’t waste time.” “Don’t waste time.” The words echoed in Antonio’s head. Every moment he wasn’t drawing was a moment waisted He thought “I just have to fini-” Antonio fell asleep at his desk, stylist still in hand, screen still glowing in the dark room.

Summer 2024 Temporary Post

This is a temporary post for testing and examples.

This is Heading 1

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


This is a paragraph full of text that will test out line length and line spacing. The features of this post will effect how text looks on the page. Of particular interest, and what is demonstrated with this text is how long rows are, how much space is between lines in a paragraph and how much space is inserted between lines paragraphs.

The features demonstrated with this text will be of particular interest to individual who are interested in the topology of their text. Shape Poems or Calligrams are an example of when text topology is important, the utilization of white or blank space is another example when text topology becomes important. However even writers who only engage in writing prose should be concearned with how thier text appears on the page. Questions such as how will I format the dialoge in my text, how am I to separate sections of my text, how much space is between my paragraphs and even simple items as text format are essential issues to be considered.

The text at the top of this page demonstrates how large the default Headings appear. 



Bulleted list

  • A
  • B
  • C

Numbered List

  1. Item
  2. Item
  3. Item

This is a how a large block quote would appear. This is a how a large block quote would appear.This is a how a large block quote would appear.This is a how a large block quote would appear.This is a how a large block quote would appear.This is a how a large block quote would appear.

This is a link to


Above is a horizontal line

Colored text

Colored text

Colored text

Below is an inserted .jpg

Inserting Pdfs is possible but problematic.