The Fisherman and the Bird by Claire Dziwulski

The Fisherman and the Bird

A man stood, waiting for the giant man-eating catfish, Cory. He was standing on the edge of his boat, gazing out over the water. He had been waiting there all day, and not a single tug on the line. He was there, looking, and listening. But soon, night began to fall, and he still had no luck.

“Perhaps I should just give up.” He said, beginning to pack up.

He was about to restart the motor to head off, when three birds came flying overhead. He stopped and watched. One of the birds flew lower and landed on the steering wheel. The bird peered into his eyes and began to speak.

“No Jonas, you mustn’t give up. What you need to catch any fish is patience. You should try it, but if you don’t, know you have been warned.”

With that the bird flew away into the night. Jonas pondered what the bird had told him, and he took out his fishing line, and cast the lure back out to the water. Jonas waited, waited for a tug on the line. He felt a yank on the rod, and suddenly from the water’s depths, the lure along with a fish, came flying out of the water and onto Jonas’ boat.

“I’ve caught Cory!” Jonas exclaimed.

He looked down at the monstrous catfish, and smiled.

To himself, Jonas thanked the bird for giving him the advice about being patient. Without the bird, he would not have caught Cory the catfish. Jonas gazed down at the catfish again. He grabbed for the lure that was latched inside her gills. Jonas removed it and lifted the catfish up over the edge of the boat. Jonas decided to throw her back into the water.

“Goodbye Cory the catfish!” Jonas waved over the water.

As he began to head home, he believed that Cory’s fin waved back.


The End!