Lina Colantuoni – “Empty Please” and “Hello ‘Me’ Prologue”

Empty Please

Dancing behind my
glorious, desperate please
it’s your blank torture,
betrayal breaking more than
joy can itself repair
one window to a room
a view through glass
this dilemma shot you,
sent you dead.

Hello “Me” Prologue

A dry wind flows through the willow’s long leaves. A soft swish comes from the tree as the leaves slide against one another., creating a mesmerizing pattern, a group of repeating swirls and glimpses of the tree’s trunk and branches. The wood is a complex maze of deep bark, dry from old age, worn down where many children have perched along side each other, listening to the tree. Listening to stories exchanged in it’s concealed sanctuary so many times before.
Whispers of pain and and conflicts drift in the air. A hint of poison in the peace.