Olivia Watts – Running Shoes

12,900+ Person Shadow Running Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images  - iStock

Bright blue with pink streaks,
The logo etched across the sides,
Worn laces and bouncy soles,
Stretched at the edges,
Full of memories.

Memories of flying,
As my feet pounded,
My heart raced,
My legs stretched farther,
As they itched to cross the finish line.

Memories of being part of a team,
Persevering even when my legs burned,
Because my teammates needed me,
I couldn’t give up,
They relied on me.

Memories of feeling determined,
As the wind hit my face,
And everything quieted around me,
The cheering suppressed,
To a dull hum.

Memories of short, lively, runs
Full of talking and laughter,
Where nothing else mattered,
Only my friends and I,
Having fun together.

Memories of long runs,
When I felt overwhelmed,
And just needed a break,
My music blasting,
Drowning out my thoughts.

Memories of anxious race days,
With joyful wins,
And devastating losses,
I always wore my running shoes,
They were there to hold me up.

Mischievous Grin by Ava Richardson

I’m sweating in fear
Hyperventilating breathing hard
The crowd screaming loud
Waiting to get subbed in
The opponent is looking at me with a mischievous grin
I turned to the side I get subbed in
I skate fast getting the puck
I shoot it in
The girl said it was probably luck
We win 5-3 everyone celebrating
Now I give her a mischievous grin

Do you see the robins? -By Mishka Katira

Do you see the robins?

Do you see how they fly?

Do you hear them chirp and whistle with pride?

Do you see them build nests with grass and twigs?

Do you see them peck, scratch and dig?

Do you see robins peck at the earth, eating worms up for dessert?

Do you hear them sing by the garden gate?

Or did the cat arrive?

Were you too late?


Lina Colantuoni – “Empty Please” and “Hello ‘Me’ Prologue”

Empty Please

Dancing behind my
glorious, desperate please
it’s your blank torture,
betrayal breaking more than
joy can itself repair
one window to a room
a view through glass
this dilemma shot you,
sent you dead.

Hello “Me” Prologue

A dry wind flows through the willow’s long leaves. A soft swish comes from the tree as the leaves slide against one another., creating a mesmerizing pattern, a group of repeating swirls and glimpses of the tree’s trunk and branches. The wood is a complex maze of deep bark, dry from old age, worn down where many children have perched along side each other, listening to the tree. Listening to stories exchanged in it’s concealed sanctuary so many times before.
Whispers of pain and and conflicts drift in the air. A hint of poison in the peace.

Flynn Dennehy – “The Inventor’s Lamp” and “Antonio”

The Inventor’s Lamp

The Old lamp that formally belonged to the once beloved Inventor sat alone on an empty desk. It had been that way for a week, no. A month, no. Three months? Perhaps, time blended together. Its inventor promised he’d return one day. An empty promise, the lamp thought. “Why bring all his other Inventions away with him but leave me behind?”



“Don’t waste time,” his friend told him. Antonio took his friend’s words very literally. He sat, hunched over, uncomfortably close to his drawing tablet. The room was dark, the only light source was shining directly in his face, no doubt doing irreparable damage to his eyes. The screen was hot to the touch. Antonio was sweating. His hand was shaking. He just had to finish, then he could go to sleep. “Don’t waste time.” “Don’t waste time.” The words echoed in Antonio’s head. Every moment he wasn’t drawing was a moment waisted He thought “I just have to fini-” Antonio fell asleep at his desk, stylist still in hand, screen still glowing in the dark room.