
This Avatar has an intimidation factor because of his strapping good looks. It is easy for him to make alliances with other players as he looks very trustworthy. The rainbow eyes are unique and allow him to standout in a crowd full of avatars. overall this man means business when he steps foot in the OASIS.


I designed my avatar to look similar to me, but my alter ego. Since there is not many female gunters, I gave her glasses so she can fit the nerdy description and not be recognized in school. Also she has short hair so when she fights litches and bad guys it won’t be in her face.


I think my avatar would be a great gunter because he has an intimidation factor to him. I gave my avatar a wise and cynical kind of look, which lets you know he’s a gunter who uses logic before making his next move. The character has very large sclera of the eye to add a serious look to it.


My Avatar would slay in OASIS because she knows what she needs to do and how to do it. Her appearance allows her to be intimidating. She doesn’t deal with any crap from other users and doesn’t have an issue being independent from others.

Jac the Merciless

Jac is a man that hears all and see all. With his cryptic eyes he can see things from miles away, way before anyone else can. Not to mention he is merciless, just look at his evil smile.


This is my avatar Sky-crawler. Sky-crawler was created like this based off of the movie “Avatar”. My thought behind him was that in the movie, the Na’vi were very crafty in how they moved around their world and they had very good hand to hand combat skills. This talent of movie swiftly, secretively, and great hand to hand combat would help and allow them to prosper greatly in the OASIS in winning and retrieving the prize.

Avatar- Francis

I chose this avatar as mine because the way he looks no one will mess with him as he is trying to capture the eggs. Some may think that he is here to cause trouble but he is minding his own business, and just getting the job done. The business like attire helps people to understand that he is there to do a job and capture the eggs.

Avatar – Huan

His name is Huan

The avatar I created above is a perfect fit as a gunter. As he searches for the eggs, the crazy look of the glasses and his crazy mustache make him look mean and also very creepy. I don’t think anything will mess with him which is key to being a successful gunter. As he looks for the eggs the glasses give him superpowers that will help him see through walls and mesmerize anyone in his way. Overall, he is a beast that I would not want to mess with on the search for his eggs.