In scene 8, the setting is in Iris’s bedroom. Her and Woodnut are dancing around in the room. Papa ends up coming into the room telling Iris that she forgot about their afternoon together. Papa was not very happy about Woodnut spending so much time with Iris. As the play goes on, Papa has a conversation with Woodnut about it, but Woodnut cant seem to understand why Papa will not allow him to get close to Iris. He ends up handing Woodnut an axe.

Why do you think Papa is not okay with close relationships in the realm?

2 thoughts on “”

  1. I think Papa is not okay with close relationships in the realm because he does not want to share Iris. He didn’t want anyone to get so close because that would lead them to telling their secrets then the virtual world wouldn’t be anonymous anymore.

  2. I think Papa is not okay with close relationships because he created The Hideaway for pedophiles to live out their fantasies without getting in trouble from the outside world. He knew if avatars devolped feelings then they would want to convert and like he mentioned multiple times that could be bad for business.

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