
Matisyn S.



The cold land of white

Trees twist, icicles dangles

Frost kisses the grass

The Water Lily

Sitting on the blue

A pink crown with pollen

Long roots swirl around


Ready for War

Packing a kit bag

Go marching to enemies

Return home with fear



Birds of a feather

A plume, the quill separate

Opposites break off


Trust it to return

A yellow glow through the trees

Have faith in mornings

Camp half-blood( Percy Jackson)

Rafay Waqar

Camp Half-blood is a camp for demi-gods which are the daughters and sons of all the Greek gods.A demi-god is a son or daughter of a Greek god who is half human and half god.This camp is located on Long island sound in America.This camp is directed by the centaur named Dionysus.A centaur is a mythical Greek creature which is half horse and half human. These demi-gods live here and train here.They train here because the outside world is dangerous for them because they can be attacked by many mythical creatures like Cyclopes , Minotaur , Griffins and many others.Mostly these creatures are sent by Hades( god of the underworld).This camp is surrounded by a shield which only lets demi-gods enter.This mythical shield around the camp protects these demi-gods by keeping out all these dangerous mythical creatures.I took all of this information from the book Percy Jackson the lightning thief.

we’ll carry on


Along the way, the candle in your lantern may blow out. Make sure you bring matches to relight it if you have to;

Along the way, you may run into something. If it is a bear, ignore it and hope it ignores you. If it is a spirit, offer up anything you have for good passing through their forest. You can hunt more. If it is a weary traveler, only give food you have to spare;

Along the way, you may lose your map. Follow the stars. They are here to guide you;

Along the way, your hopes may dampen. Never mind that, for you must be stronger than doubt;

Along the way, your extra clothes may become burdensome. Always keep them, though. The nights can get cold;

Along the way, follow the songbirds. Sing back to them; enjoy their kinship while you can;

Along the way, you may run out of kindling. Bark or dead leaves will do;

Along the way, you will miss home. But the adventure is your home, the sky your ceiling, and as long as you keep pushing through, homesickness will be at bay;

Along the way, you will be inclined to give up,


The Sandstorm

Hey Nike, I did it already

I had sand in my shoes

“This is about the struggles of a man stranded in the desert. The sentences listed above are the sentences that have to be included in this passage.”

Hey Nike, I did it already. As I walked through the sandstorm screaming, I realized how thirsty I was. I started looking for some water in my backpack and was disappointed to find none. I then remembered that I forgot to place it into my backpack, and screamed, not strong like you would if you were angry, but a weaker, more frail scream, like I was drained of my energy and could barely move. I had sand in my shoes. I had no food or water. And worst of all, I had nowhere to shield myself from the storm. My vision blurred as sand got into my eyes, but I kept looking into the distance. There, stood a building, not tall or short, not fat or thin, kind of similar to a hut. Attached to the top of the building was a large sign, tinted silver with a date on it, “October 9, 2083”. Desperate, tired, dehydrated, and on the brink of losing consciousness, I made my valiant effort to crawl to the hut. Energy left me with each crawl, leaving me winded at every movement of my body. It seemed close, and yet so far away. “5 more minutes” I told myself, “5 more minutes”. But as I reached to move forward, I didn’t touch the grainy sand that littered the desert. No, I didn’t even touch the brick that supported the seemingly close building. No, what I touched, was the nothingness and darkness that my exhaustion led me to. Overwhelmed with warmth, I felt every last glimpse of light disappear. The warmth enveloped me, and as my life dissipated before my eyes, I took one last, long breath, and collapsed.

Eric Gorner

black and white


black /blak/


the color of the world on days where it’s too much. the sound of silence when all you want to do is speak, staring too long to try to remember how anything feels. the color of never ending keys on a piano that remind you of his heart. ink splatters on old clothes, the text on forgotten books from times past. the color of his wings when you two flew up to the sun, but he let you fall into the sea. black is color you saw when you looked into his eyes and realized how foolish you were to have ever loved him.

white /(h)wīt/


the color of new beginnings, of scars beginning to heal over. the foam from the waves that crashed upon you over and over again, until they didn’t as much anymore. the color of the keys that made you forget, trying to remedy the broken parts of its player. the pages of the books that you read that made you dream again, hope again. the color of the shirt you wore when you first saw the boy. the innocence you see in little kids, reminding us all of how the world can still be good sometimes. the color you saw when you looked up at the boy that saved you. his hair so light, that sometimes you could’ve sworn you almost saw a halo. white is color of your wings when you realize that you can finally fly again, but this time without the fear of falling into the sea.





Along the Way

Along the way,

you’ll come across a man who needs your help.

There he sits, unkempt, unclean, and unnoticed. He is thin. So thin, that his ribs can be seen through his tattered shirt, and the skin around his bony fingers wilts like a flower in the cold. He will reach those fingers out to you.

Along the way,

you’ll come across a man, slumped against a tree in the dead of winter, no coat around his shoulders and his bare feet buried in the snow for warmth. The tree’s icy bark peels and digs into his back. You may wonder about his family and his friends and his children and where they all could’ve gone. Was this man, now barely clinging to life, once along the way as you are now?

Along the way,

you’ll wonder many things about this man, but even as you wonder, you won’t stop walking. You won’t take the decrepit hand he reaches out to you. You’ll keep going, your boots crunching in the snow. For you’re along the way, and you don’t have time to stop. You’ll trudge right past, barely looking him in the eye.

Along the way,

you might find yourself to tired to walk any further, your boots are long gone, your coat has been lost, and your clothes have been reduced to rags. You’ll slump against a tree in the dead of winter, wondering about your family and your friends and your children and where they all went, and why this person walking by you won’t stop for a second, just a second, to even look you in the eye.

But then, someone else,

Along the way,

may pause for a second, just a second. You’ll reach your hand out to her, the skin around your fingers wilting like a flower in the cold. You reach your hand out to her in need,

and she might take it, because she knows,

you were along the way once, too.

-Joey Schuman


rainbow effect

kaja rae lucas



in the last scene of the suicide

someone shines a light through

two fastened prisms

shining out on the other side

like rainbows.  


didn’t god send a rainbow after the flood?

wasn’t the road to valhalla paved with it?

didn’t sylvia and marsha start riots for it?

or is it just an effect?




the rose on the tips of the rainbow was

re-purposed for a color of violence– now, our flags

of pride appear with violence, a stripe,

where we are aware of how violence shaped us.


your girlfriend put on rainbow eyeliner for pride

somewhere in Istanbul. she came home with

a rubber bullet in her leg and the rainbow

eyeliner running down her face;

don’t you know we’re not wanted here?


the prisms seem to break the light apart

showing the way white light holds all of these colors

but white is not brown and we are not mentioned.

blackness is not a part of your rainbow.



Someone please kill me
before I explode
into over 7 billion pieces of glass
and scatter over all the places anyone has ever deemed a landmark,
for someone to discover me
or mindlessly stumble over me
as they stare up at some soulless, unforgiving structure
that seems sturdy and eternal
but will one day return to the dust
that all things return to when faced
with the ever-reaching claws of time
If they stumble,
their feet will snag on my edges
and bleed over the ruins,
or perhaps someone will pick me up,
and cast me away again
on the assumption that I am simply a piece of something
broken and long-forgotten,
or maybe the sunlight will bounce off of me
at just the right angle
and I will gleam in a child’s eye
and their unconscious attraction to ordinary things
with no place in the world
will draw them to me
and they will pocket me to add to their collection
of things they found to have uncategorizable beauty
in a world constantly flooring the gas pedal of the fastest car
to meet the loving embrace of death
while declaring victory or success
or some other kind of fulfillment
and I will gather dust in a drawer
alongside rocks and pebbles
and small shells
and pieces of lost pottery with chipping paint
until everything rots


-Jeremiah Zaeske