Asylum Seekers World Map ~Maureen & Chris

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The map will have all 10 countries listed above outlined. When the mouse hovers over the country, it will light up and you can click on the country taking you down the page where you will find information about refugees from that country.

Asylum seekers have to leave their homes for fear of their life and safety. That issue has spread across a wide swath of the world and has impacted and displaced millions.  This interactive map can be used to show you a range of facts about a global issue. While not every country could be included the map shows the most common countries that Asylee Women Enterprises asylum seekers come from.


With the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, violence has raged throughout the country. Since its start, almost 400,000 people have been killed, including 14,000 children. Eleven million have been displaced, five million fleeing the country itself. While most Syrians stay in the Middle East, many flee to the United States to regain freedoms they have lost.

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With the presence of a war and foreign armed forces, Afghanistan has been deteriorating. Fighting and drone strikes from these foreign nations occur far too often, killing countless civilians just for the possibility of destroying the Taliban and ISIS. More than 3,500 civilians were killed and more than 7,400 wounded in 2015. More than 2.5 million Afghans are living abroad as refugees. It is a fear of many that refugees coming to the United States are apart of ISIS, but that is who they are fleeing. The people are being oppressed and are seeking refuge in the land of the free.

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From 1997 to 2003, the Democratic Republic of the Congo experienced a violent civil war. Since then, the extreme level of violence and human rights abuse have caused thousands to flee the area to surrounding countries, many with the goal of resettlement in America. Many refugees suffer from a high degree of trauma from exposure to violence, torture and assault, and require professional medical attention.

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Since the conflict in Nigeria has started, 2.6 million people have been displaced. The conflict has brought the country a lack of resources, which has led to more malnutrition and poor health.  More than 14 million Nigerians are in need of compassionate aid. With the unrest, about 200,000 refugees have fled to friendlier countries. While people have started to return to their homes, the overall social mood has changed. The conflict has deteriorated the economy, caused more social tensions, disregard for different people, and unease between different social classes and groups.

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Ethiopians are fleeing their homelands because of the massive human rights violations associated with forced relocation and the confiscation of their property. Their homes have been destroyed, their property taken by the state, religious persecutions and forced labor, and inhumane practices by the militia, such as rape and kidnapping. Their freedoms have been taken away so they are seeking refuge in a free land such as the U.S. among other surrounding African countries.

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Unrest in Mexico has taken a turn for the worst due to an aggressive war against drug cartels. This has caused the number of Mexicans trying to escape the war to flee to neighboring countries like the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S. Mexicans are the second largest group of asylum seekers but only have about a 9% chance of getting approved as an Asylum Seeker in the U.S. While getting to Canada now requires a visa to book an international flight to the country. Seekers can attempt to cross the border, but would then have to take shelter in the U.S. system over Canada’s immigration system. With the growing violence of the drug wars the problem does not seem to be resolving or growing better.

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El Salvador:

El Salvador continues to be plagued by high levels of crime and violence that have made many communities extremely dangerous, especially for children and young adults. In 2016 alone, there were 5,728 murders registered, one of the highest since the end of the country’s civil war in 1992. This violence stems from many origins including drug smuggling and gang activity, especially in poorer areas. Getting away from this violence is important to many families and  seeking asylum in the U.S. is the way to do this.

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With the growing unrest in Pakistan more than 1.2 million Pakistanis have been disturbed and forced from their home by instability and violence.  While aid would normally be provided, Pakistan is not involved in an official war so many asylum seekers are disregarded at a global level. Asylum seekers flee Pakistan by crossing the border on foot and bus and then flee farther to Europe for protection. Even once the seekers have arrived, they face the danger of being detained or sent back to Pakistan. Pakistan’s nonexistent legislation concerning refugees means there is no local or nationwide protection for them.  The only governing documents on asylum seekers is the 1993 Cooperation Agreement, between the government of Pakistan and the United Nations Refugee Agency, which determines their eligibility.

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Russian asylum seekers escape from Russia due to its civil tyranny, discrimination minorities, and unfair treatment of the LGBT community. While Russia does hold “free” elections by most accounts they are rigged and unfair. People who speak out against the ruling party, may end up being prosecuted or arrested. If convicted they can be sent to a Russian jail which has some of the worst living conditions on the globe. Free speech is limited by the government and is closely monitored and censored. These limitations, human rights violations and unfair elections has led many citizens to flee the country in hopes of a better and safer life. Many try to flee to other countries and more than 5,500 seekers crossed the border into Norway in hopes of escaping. Due to political tension more than a dozen people last year were sent back to Russia and faced unknown consensuses.

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The American dream is a sought-after goal that very few have the advantage of achieving. For Asylum seekers that new iPhone or fancy car is not the American dream but the ability to be who they are (LGBT or a woman) without the fear of harassment, rape, judgment, or harm. The dream could also just be wanting a safe life away from war, violence, and political oppression. Thousands of  immigrate to the U.S. each year but the process once they are here can be a long and difficult one. Baltimore is a great intake city due to its diversity, position on the eastern seaboard, and many different opportunities. Baltimore’s central location, proximity to government resources, and transportation via multiple airports allow asylum seekers an easier time coming here. Asylee Women Enterprises (AWE) hopes to help rebuild these Asylum seekers lives one family at a time. Being one of only a handful of places that focus on Asylum seekers on the east coast AWE and Baltimore are a highly sought after destination for those fleeing. While this may be a global issue that needs a global response, there are opportunities in your own backyard to make a difference.

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Updated April 2017