Questions for Chris Friend

  1. As you created and worked on your journal, did your overall idea change? More to say was the beginning and end product similar?
  2. Did any of your views or ideas change as you created the journal?
  3. Do you feel that having a peer-review, as I call it a buddy system, could hurt more than it could help? An editor is someone who specializes in the combing through a piece while a peer may not have that expertise, do you agree?

One thought on “Questions for Chris Friend”

  1. 1. First, I didn’t create it; others did. But the original idea was to build a school. The journal was a stepping stone, to get the conversation going. In that way, the goal has been the same, but we’re at the point where the journal has done what they set out to do. Now, I’m using it to provide a welcoming face for the work of the related Digital Pedagogy Lab.
    2. Not really; see above.
    3. Discussed in class, right?

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