Chris Friend Questions

  1. Do you ever feel more pressured to write now that you have a place to write? If so do you feel it has changed your writing.
  2. Do you have a favorite article? If so why is it you favorite?
  3. In your opinion does publishing on the web change the way a person writes as compared to if you wanted to write these articles for a magazine or other print publication?

One thought on “Chris Friend Questions”

  1. 1. Yes, though I feel that pressure more with my podcast ( than with the text. Other folks write for the journal. That podcast is all mine. So when it takes over a month to get a new episode out, that’s entirely my fault.
    2. Discussed in class.
    3. It does! Web writing is more interactive. More chance for readers to respond; more chance to bring in outside voices (through hyperlinking, embedding, etc.). Writing for the web is almost choral writing, even if we think we’re the only author.

    This text I’m typing now has to be approved by Amanda, so no matter why I write here, I still need help getting it back to you. Then, others have the ability to reply to this comment. Gets complex.

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