3 Questions for Chris Friend

  1. Are there any other open-access online journals you were inspired by (or wanted to do better then) when creating the site?
  2. Have you faced any adverse pressure or challenges from more traditional academics due to the open-access/progressive nature of the site?
  3.  Did you build the site with the knowledge that users would use tools like hypothesis to discuss articles in deeper depth then the comments section allows? Do you like the opportunities hypothesis provides for discussion/annotation?

One thought on “3 Questions for Chris Friend”

  1. 1. We used Amanda’s JITP as one model among many when considering the aesthetic of our front page. We weren’t competitive, merely looking for inspiration.
    2. Nothing direct, but some worry that our open review process is less rigorous than traditional double-blind (and therefore not as suitable for tenure & promotion consideration). Some accuse us of being more like a club, due to the small number of people in the field.
    3. Yes. We added a WP plugin to turn on Hypothes.is by default.

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