One thought on “Questions for Chris Friend”

  1. 1. I didn’t. 🙂 It was someone else’s idea. The story I’ve been told is that two of the folks involved were walking circles around a parking lot one night, dreaming of starting a school. They decided they needed to start getting the ideas shared around with a journal.
    2. Yes. Twitter conversations, trackback links, citations in other places, invitations to speak, etc. The article I mentioned in class (“Finding My Voice”) got picked up by editors at Edutopia and The Good Men Project; they each asked to reprint the article for their readers.
    3. Snarky answer: Yes—that’s an advantage of being the editor. More truthful answer: Generally, yes. We don’t publish things that we really wouldn’t agree with, though sometimes an issue/idea/point or two strikes us as odd. That’s about it.

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