Carlos Hernandez Visits Stevenson University

On February 27th, author Carlos Hernandez visited the students at Stevenson University. His work consists of publications in poetry, fiction, science fiction and etc. Hernandez is currently getting ready to launch a children’s book titled Sal and Gabi Break the Universe with his contract with Disney. In addition to his work in book publication, Hernandez has also written and designed a video game titled Meriwether.

During our class panel, I enjoyed how authentic and humble Mr. Hernandez was. He began by speaking on his childhood of being a first generation American. In addition, he gave advice on how to overcome writer’s block, self-doubt, and writing in one creative workspace.  I appreciated when Mr.Hernandez admitted that it takes him months/ years to write pieces of literature. I could completely sympathize with him when he stated that because I personally cannot write a good quality essay or blog post in one sitting. Overall, I feel Mr.Hernandez is the epitome of how working hard will lead you to success.  

Carlos Hernandez Reflection

Carlos Hernandez visited our class on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Carlos spoke about about his childhood experience being a first generation Cuban living in America, and then answered many of my classmates questions.

I wish I was able to hear him speak in the beginning of the class more, but unfortunately the person sitting next to me was eating a bag of chips so it was difficult to hear what he was saying and was very distracting. Then the person sitting next to me was playing on his computer, and left abruptly while Carlos was talking. (it was extremely rude and I hope it didn’t offend him)

Once I was able to pay attention and hear what Carlos was saying, I was very interested in his experiences. I liked how open he was about his struggles, disappointments, and how he was willing to be transparent about his contract. I really admire how humble he was, and spoke to us as if we were his friends. I feel that is what sets him apart than a lot of writers. He admits he’s not perfect, he says he needs an editor and will admit when something he writes doesn’t turn out. I really respect him for that.

I am a huge Disney fan and Disney is very wise with their selections of works, so I’m very excited to read his book. I hope to read more of his works in the future.

Hernandez Reflection

Carlos Hernandez was a wonderful guest for Stevenson University. It is always amazing to see the first generation do amazing things and make huge accomplishments. From Hernandez, i learned a lot about a genre of writing that I do not often read. I like how he mentioned that writing for different platforms is different. Writing for the web and for a game you have to know some basics of script like CSS, and HTML. Sometimes applications are created for clear communication between writers. I love how Hernandez talked about continuing to write even when you think it is not great work. Usually, I stop writing because I think it is not my best, but his advice taught me you can always go back and edit. I also like that Hernandez shared some behind-the-scenes information. A Disney contract is probably a good contract, sometimes work has to be done in a matter of days, and there will be times you will have to censor your work for a particular audience. Most of all I enjoyed learning about his ideal writing places. Writing in different spaces can inspire or craft a piece. It is also good to be around likeminded people and to be able to bounce ideas off one another.

Carlos Hernandez Class Visit Reflection

I loved Carlos Hernandez’s visit to class today. He demonstrated how well he really knows his craft. He has a Ph.D., has a contract with Disney for two children’s books, and has published an array of short stories and poems online. This was a great visit because all of us students were free to ask whatever we wanted of him. Carlos was himself whenever he answered any question. I’m starting to see more and more that honesty and transparency is a quality that I respect most about people.

It takes courage to be yourself. I asked him what got him through the challenges he faced becoming the writer he is today. His response was to be confident in who you are and why you’re doing it. He just couldn’t see himself doing anything else and he really cares about the stories he writes. This was such a wise response. How can I be anywhere if I don’t care about what I’m doing or who I’m doing it with? This advice is for anybody trying to decide what they want to do with their lives.