Carlos Hernandez Class Visit Reflection

I loved Carlos Hernandez’s visit to class today. He demonstrated how well he really knows his craft. He has a Ph.D., has a contract with Disney for two children’s books, and has published an array of short stories and poems online. This was a great visit because all of us students were free to ask whatever we wanted of him. Carlos was himself whenever he answered any question. I’m starting to see more and more that honesty and transparency is a quality that I respect most about people.

It takes courage to be yourself. I asked him what got him through the challenges he faced becoming the writer he is today. His response was to be confident in who you are and why you’re doing it. He just couldn’t see himself doing anything else and he really cares about the stories he writes. This was such a wise response. How can I be anywhere if I don’t care about what I’m doing or who I’m doing it with? This advice is for anybody trying to decide what they want to do with their lives.