Trump: the US will not turn into a “migrant camp” or “refugee holding facility”

A published story on by Tara Golshan called “Trump: the US will not turn into a ‘migrant camp’ or ‘refugee holding facility’” in which the discussion of the governments involvement in accepting refugees is the topic. The article discusses President Trumps resistance to accept immigrants and refugees “unlike some of the its European allies.” There is a large comparison between the U.S. and the Germany. Germanies accepting of refugees is creating political backlash towards their Chancellor. The article attempts to go in depth on certain policies Trump has placed against refugees and gives facts about other refugee statistics in the United Nations. The article is highly political creating a lot of bias. While it mostly focuses on Trump Administration it also discusses which political party is blaming the other for issues of immigration and family separation. This article is filled with bias. While there are true statements and facts, the article is also very one sided, only focusing on sources against Trump. The limited sources and variety of sources shows the purpose of this article is to show people a negative spotlight on immigration and refugee policy and treatment. This article shows the side of immigration where the United States is hurting and ignoring refugees and immigrants instead of helping them. While immigrants can experience a new and better life in America, they will face many challenges and some of these will be against the government and policies itself.

Golshan, Tara. “Trump: The US Will Not Turn into a ‘Migrant Camp’ or ‘Refugee Holding Facility.'” Vox, 18 June 2018,