Carlos Hernandez is cool

Carlos Hernandez came to our class on Wednesday and spoke about his experiences as a writer and first generation immigrant. He is an amazing speaker and writer! When he spoke to us, he sounded like us and didn’t think of himself as superior. He’s a very successful man and explained what it’s like. Someone asked him how he gets into his mind space to write and he said that he doesn’t stay in one place which I thought was interesting. Since he lives in New York, you travel in the subway so I didn’t know that people write on their phones. That’s so cool! I thought he would be a writer who writes pen to paper but he’s a digital writer. I think it’s amazing how he was open to explaining his work. I think he’s very inspiring based on all his work he has done especially to work with Disney! I feel the thing I could take away and learn from him is that it’s okay to fail at first. So, it’s fine to fail or not be good at things but you will learn and you will improve and always take criticism. It’s good to hear other’s opinions and know that you’re not perfect.