Grant Proposal

I have chosen AWE for my grant proposal because after researching, I came across how AWE offers ESL classes to help asylum seekers learn English. I would imagine that ESL classes are mundane and difficult because English is such a hard language to master, and AWE stated that language barriers make it difficult for immigrants to navigate the few resources available to them in Baltimore. I propose that we use the grant money to help fund boardgames that help them better understand the English language like Scrabble, Apples to Apples, Taboo, etc. Additionally, adding books to a small library for AWE to offer, if they do not already have one, and supply it with American classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men, just to name a few, which can be for those who are more advanced in the English language. Having American board games and books can help them adapt to US culture and lifestyle. Additionally, AWE stated that the immigrants do not like an individualistic society since most women from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East are from collectivist societies, so I propose that Stevenson groups from different majors and clubs (and maybe even willing high school students from around the area who are looking for service hours and are interested in helping AWE) can come to volunteer a few hours and play the boardgames with the immigrants. This will allow them to better integrate as individuals into the US, especially if the immigrants are younger because they might appreciate being around others their own age and make new friends. This idea is sustainable and does not require monthly fees.

3 thoughts on “Grant Proposal”

  1. I happen to really like this idea because it’s helping them in more ways than one. It also seems to be cost-effective and that it should fall within the $1,500. The board game idea is also a good idea because almost everyone enjoys playing them. The role that I would like to play is the financial officer.

  2. I like this proposal because it is cost effective and it will also make a large impact on the individuals, without costing a lot of money. I really like the board game idea! If I was chosen to work on this grant, I would not mind playing the role of Project Manager or Lead Communication Specialists/Event Planner.

  3. I believe this is a winning idea because its creative and it involves direct contact that not too serious. I feel there is limitless opportunity to expand this project, board games do not cost too much and the books can be donated, so there is money in the budget to come up for more ideas. The role I would like to play is being the communication specialist.

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