Entrepreneurship Career Panel

At Stevenson on February 13th, 2019, I attended the Entrepreneurship Career Panel. Here, Jeannine Morber, who is the Lecturer Marketing and Internship Coordinator, was the host of the event. There were six panelists were John Dinkel (from Dinkel Business Development), Liz Trimm (from Enterprise Rent-a-car), Andrew Murphy (from Flying Frog Publishing), Andy Brown (from Eat Pizza), Garret Pfeifer (from Maryland Brand Management), and Chris Daley (from Whirlway, LLC). All of these panelists had very well-thought out and meaningful insights about what it means to be a business owner and an entrepreneur. Throughout the career panel, it was discussed mostly about what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I would say the most common tip was to have a solid sense of networking in your community and meaningful relationships. It’s about who you know, not what you know. They frequently said that to be entrepreneur means you must work hard, some said they even work seven days a week. They also commented on the importance of believing in yourself. At the end of the panel, every panelists gave incredible advice, of not just about being an entrepreneur, but of how to make it in the business world.

The entire panel, I couldn’t get my brain to stop thinking. Everything they said about working hard, having good connections, and believing in yourself, are all things that I constantly work on personally. At the beginning of the panel, I didn’t really think I wanted to be an entrepreneur. But by the end, I couldn’t stop thinking of how I really have the ability to start my own business if I wanted to. I have always thought I’m not naturally good at anything, whether it’s sports, music, or social interaction with my peers. But, when I really consider what I’ve done during my college years, I am naturally good at working hard, making connections, and believing in myself. I have the skills of working on design, writing, working with people, training, and working really really hard. I am currently interning at a counseling office. My passion is to be a counselor. But what if I started my own counseling agency? I no longer will limit myself in my mind to what I can accomplish. As of now, I do not have a passion to start my own business. But I am confident that if the time comes, just by being who I am, I can do it.