Scene 10: A Sunny Spot (Group 2 Provocation)

Summary: In Scene 10, Iris and Papa are spending an afternoon together. Iris is talking about a couple of the other children, and papa comments on how they’re all jealous of each other. He proceeds to ask Iris if she believes there’s enough affection to go around. She says “Maybe” (Iris). The conversation continues about the affection, and suddenly Papa comments on the same affection that he gives is the same Mr. Woodnut seems to be showing. Papa talks about the axe again, and Iris agrees with it. Papa then gives Iris and Iris Day cake. She hears some children like sounds, and Papa says the sound must only be for children to hear, which makes Iris ask is that why he never wants her to grow up. Papa says he doesn’t want to lose her. Papa proceeds to tell her about the real poplars that grow. She continues to listen to the miraculous story of the real world, and Papa’s garden. At the end they both say they miss the trees, where Iris says “I love you” (The Nether), and Papa has no comment on it.

Question: Why do you think Papa didn’t say he loved her back even with the affection he claims to have?

4 thoughts on “Scene 10: A Sunny Spot (Group 2 Provocation)”

  1. I feel Papa did not say I love you back to Iris because he didn’t want Iris to feel an attachment to him. Papa indicated many times that he did not avatars to develop feelings. Since Papa controls everything in the Hideaway he may have known Iris was Doyle, and he wanted Doyle to fall in love with the person he actually is. Thats the reason why in the Epilogue the same scene was repeated with Sims saying I love you back.

  2. I think papa is aware that he shouldn’t be telling young chilren he loves them. He’s aware that he’s sick and maybe he realizes that what he feels for Iris isnt love. He knows its just a twisted affection.

  3. I think Papa didn’t say the words that he loved her because he was afraid to become too close to Iris. However, his actions showed that he loves her. Also, Papa doesn’t want to be too close to other people in the Nether realm.

  4. When quoting from the play, use the author’s last name in your citation, and the character’s name in the sentence

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