Quote Analysis

One quote in particular struck me early on in Mcluhan’s book. It appeared in a very small section title “the others” and it is the very last line in the paragraph. When referring to technology, Marshall writes “We have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other,” (Mcluhan 24).

I believe that Marshall McLuhan says this because we are so predicated on technology and it connects us easier than ever before. This connection comes with the responsibility of continuous conversation. Often, many people will announce things on social media, rather than personally informing people of a big event. Technology allows us to stay involved in each others lives.

What still kind of makes me curious is his use of the word responsible. How does staying connected with each other make us responsible for one another? Why does this easy accessibility make it others’ responsibility to check on people?

McLuhan Quote

Amber Deter

Dr. Licastro

Remixing the Book



“All media work us over completely. They are so pervasive in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic,psychological, moral, ethical, and social consequences that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, unaltered.” (26)

Sometimes society has a difficult time grasping how much of our life is tied to media. In truth, we depend on it for information and communication–two astoundingly large parts of our lives. Media is the most intimate thing we have in today’s society. ItĀ gives people the confidence to say what they want, what they believe, even if they wouldn’t say it face-to-face. This creates a much larger pool of communication as people are able to connect more with a larger community. People constantly share thoughts, beliefs, political views, and current event commentary, and it’s easy to find a wider range with a greater audience. Every time we interface with media, which exposes us to all of this communication, there is an affect on our life someway in that moment.

Quote Analysis: The Medium is the Message

The Medium is the Message

Jessica Merrick

Remixing the Book


“All media are extensions of some human faculty—-psychic or physical” (26).

Many things are made up of media. Take technology for example. Since technology is constantly changing, so are we, especially since a lot of things are done using some form of technology. Just like transportation. Cars can be a replacement for a single person using their feet for walking or running. Instead of us physically in motion, a car takes the place of us physically in motion. in terms of how we function psychologically, media can take over how we think or process things. A computer desktop can be designed specifically to process information, save files, etc. It’s as if it’s an electronic brain.