The Circuit is the Powerhouse of the Mind

McLuhan dubs the “Media Age” as an electrical circuit, because much like electrical circuits, we are programed in a very similar fashion. When I think of electrical circuits, I tend to think about a neuron. The reason being that it receives information which then gets processed and finally transmitted to another neuron. The way a circuit works is that they need to have a direct pathway of energy to charge something up, the most common example being a flashlight. The current goes through the circuits to the light bulb to light it up. The nervous system acts very similar to this, in that the neurons transmit information to the brain, and then the brain sends back information to the circuits. So how does this relate to the “Media Age”? Well much like how humans process information through neurotransmissions, we receive information from the media we consume everyday. The difference is that we accumulate so much information that our brains can only grasp a portion of information. On page 63, McLuhan comments that people consume information rapidly that as soon as information reaches us, it is then replaced with even newer information. This means that our brains are constantly being bombarded with information that we have to choose what to hold on to.

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