Being Special is Good

John Isidore being special has always been described as a disability. I think that even though his intellect might not be as high, he is able to reach a level of emotional intelligence that no other character can. Isidore is the only character who cares animals, humans, and androids. When Isidore is made to call the owners of the cat who died he seemed to feel genuinely sad for its death and for the grief the death caused the owner. His colleague was only concerned about the business dealings and what to do with the cat. This was a small scene but it showed just how Isidore cared about people who didn’t treat him as an equal.

John demonstrates his ability to care later on when he learns the that Pris and her friends are androids. Isidore doesn’t care that they are androids and volunteers to help and protect him. The androids are surprised by his willingness to help them and he earns their admiration. Pris says, “You’re a great man, Isidore, you’re a credit to your race.” (Dick 151). I found it interesting that John wishes to be more like the androids because of the intelligence and the androids liked Isidore for his ability to care and empathize. They both were able to see what they are unable to do in the other.

The question I had was John being special actually a blessing? Is his ability to care make him more human than any other character in the book?