Being an Android

When Rick went to test Luba he made a mistake and let her get in control. She then called the police and officer Crams ended up arresting him and taking him into the Mission Street Hall of Justice building. It was weird because he had never heard of the police office headquarters where he was taken, and he knew something was up. When he was being interrogated, he was confronted because on his list to retire was Garland(The official interrogating him). At this time Resch was out of the room getting his testing equipment in order to see if Rick was an android or not. During the talk with Garland, Rick realized that Garland was an android and then was told that Resch was an android as well. He was talking to Rick about Resch not knowing he was an android and Rick asked what he will do if he finds out the truth. Then Garland said “He may kill me, kill himself; maybe you, too. He may kill everyone he can, human and android alike” (Dick 122). Even though we later find out Resch isn’t an android it still makes me think of what if he was? How would he react?

This leads into my question. If you thought you were a human your whole existence and suddenly found out you were an android, how would you react?

Personally, if I found out today that I was an android I would think that’s pretty cool, I wouldn’t start murdering everyone around me.

6 thoughts on “Being an Android”

  1. If I found out that I was actually an android, I honestly don’t know how I’d react. I probably would question just about everything that has to do with life because everything that you know would be a lie. When you grow up believing in something and then find out that it was false, you don’t really know what to believe at first. Maybe I would go through a denial stage if I was told that I was an android, but also maybe I would just accept it. In today’s society, what can we even believe anyway? With this whole idea, I don’t think I would react negatively or positively though. It would be a hard concept to wrap my head around at first, but at the same time I wouldn’t be super thrilled to have lived a lie.

  2. If I thought I was a human but then later found out that I was an android, I wouldn’t feel any type of way. Unlike Resch, I wouldn’t go around killing anyone because to me its never that serious. As the comment above stated, I would just have to accept that my life/mindset would be different now that I know that I’m actually an android.

  3. If I thought I was a human y entire life and then found out I actually was an android, I am not exactly sure how I would feel. I bet would go into a state of shock for a while, and question what of my memories were real and what were fake. However, I do know that I would not go on a killing spree like Resch. I would just need time to process what it means to me, being an android when I thought I had been a human my entire life.

  4. If i found out that my entire existence had been fabricated, I would be devastated. But I have though a lot about this topic since I first heard the Simulation Hypothesis. The hypothesis basically explores the possibility that our entire existence is basically a computer program. If this was the truth and my life was nothing more than false memories and someone else’s will, I might have a mental break. I do not think mine would involve murdering everyone, even though it wouldn’t matter if i did because they were all simulations. I would probably take on a nihilistic perspective and just feel like nothing matters. I wouldn’t feel like I had true free will and maybe I would feel like Resch and want to die.

  5. If i found out I was an android I feel like I would freak out. I wouldn’t want to kill anyone but I would probably isolate myself from the world until I start to figure things out. I’m not the best with handling situations like this so I know personally I would need to take time out to myself and figure out things. In the heat of the moment I can say, do , and react in ways that I know I have not fully thought through.

  6. If I grew up feeling and believe that I was human, then figure out that I was an android I would become instantly a different person. Growing up in this dystopia will make you become more definitive when it comes to your life. Finding out that you were an android, and understanding that you are going to be hunted and possibly killed will change your perceptive on life.

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