Trump cuts aid

The article, Trump moves to cut aid to Central America, amid caravans and flood of refugees was very interesting. It was published on March 31, 2019 and was on Fox News. This article discusses how Trump decided to cut direct aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras because their citizens were fleeing north and overwhelming U.S. resources. The White House warned them, eventually they will be closing the entire border with Mexico. The article also signifies how the U.S. is giving more than 10 billion dollars in December, and yet they keep getting information of how a a new caravan is forming in Honduras and may have more than 20,000 people.

This article was written for many reasons. Some include the fact of spreading more information about Trump and his policies. Everyone questions why he wants to build a wall, maybe this has something to do with it. Secondly, this article spreads our president, Trump’s opinions and tweets. He states that the Democrats don’t care about crime and how they don’t want any victory for Trump or the Republicans even if it helps The United States of America. Trump also states that by building a wall, which could possibly be the next step, it’ll help close the border and maybe even stop the drug flow from Mexico.

By providing a wall could have detrimental effects. This could heavily impact cross border communities, Mexican supermarkets, factories that rely on imported parts, and other businesses across the U.S and even threaten 5 million American jobs.

In my opinion, I don’t agree with President Trump’s ways and beliefs about the wall. It basically shows, as one said “It’s sending out a message to other countries that, don’t come because our borders may not work at any time. That is extremely scary and dangerous.”