Article 2: Opposing Side, Migrants in the Rio Grande Valley

The article “The Border Crisis Is A Money-Making Machine For Smugglers” is about the immigration border crisis. The writer of the news article is John Daniel Davidson who is a senior Federalist correspondent. The Federalist is known to be a right leaning news source and this specific news article is Davidson’s written testimony that was delivered before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

The article included opinions and facts about the experience at the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Davidson includes details about the process that immigrants have to go through in order to get through the physical border. Davidson also discusses his views on why he thinks the border is a making money machine. He states, “Assuming each migrant pays $4,000 for safe passage over the border, that’s about $400 million – just for those apprehended crossing illegally in March.”

Something that this article includes that the first article did not include was the discussion of drug cartels. This article went further in depth about the reasonings and the profit that is made when immigrants cross the border. This article also uses a different kind of language when discussing this topic. For example, the first article calls asylum seekers “migrants” while this article calls them “immigrants.” However, both articles did agree on the same point, which is the immigration system is flawed.